Thursday, May 26, 2016

Day 8: Overcoming Prejudices

Day 8:

READ: Jonah 1:1-3, 3:1-10; 4:1-3

The story of Jonah is a familiar one. We like to focus on how Jonah and Nineveh both get second chances from God. Our God is a God of second, third and 95th chances. But think about it this way: Jonah’s prejudice of Nineveh and the people who lived there was one of the problems that started everything. He (Jonah) believed himself to be better than the people God called him to serve.
So Jonah did what a lot of us do. He ran. 

We will be removing ourselves from our home, our familiar places and our comfort zone. The important thing to remember is that just because our way of life is comfortable to us, that doesn’t mean that it is better. Guatemala will be far outside our comfort zone and we may already be forming opinions of the people we are called to serve. But unlike Jonah, we will choose not to run but to face this challenge head on. 

God has called you to a task. He has called you to serve. It is important that we do so with proper intentions and realize that life over there is very different from life over here. When we are faithful to do what God is asking and step out of the way, God will amaze us with his love, compassion, and mercy. 

CHALLENGE: Spend time in prayer today asking God to clear out your expectations and head into this trip with a clean slate. Ask God for forgiveness for any prejudices that you have formed.

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