Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Service = Flexibility

Service = Flexibility

Last night and today was the embodiment of moving on to plan B, C, D…. Pastor’s Kevin and Jared spent at least a day and half preparing for their Hermeneutics class. Upon completing their preparation, we spent last evening reducing it to 50 PowerPoint slides and translating it into Spanish. ¡Sin problemas!e

As it turned out today, I ended up with the task of serving as the A/V guy in my dirty work clothes and not working on the brick line with Troy. The good news is I did get to watch Kevin & Jared give a fabulous presentation. Additionally, I did get to peek in on the Women’s Conference to see Jen Brown give a great presentation on S.A.F.E. assisted by Kenzie. How terrific it was to see all of them deliver with passion and love. The program was well received, and Jen will be coming back to lead more training in the program (after she learns Spanish).

Both conferences wrapped up after lunch and I was finally headed back up the scaffold. Once I was finally into the groove laying bricks for about an hour, the sky opened up, thunder and lightning came, and El Fuego erupted again. No sooner did we get to the compound and Tono called to come to the church and organize a van full of donations that had been dropped off to the church. Quickly mobilizing, the team descended on the church and begin sorting essentials such as: cooking oil, toothpaste and brushes, diapers, ramen noodles, soap, shampoo, sugar, salt, and so much more! God’s abundance was so amazing. Many people who have so little by comparison to us gave very generously. This will undoubtedly help the people of Zapote who will likely receive this bounty in the next few days. Our day wound down as we watched news on the TV of the latest eruption. At first blush it appears that today’s eruption is much less devasting than this past Sunday and poses no threat to the team at all.

It has been great to have Pastor Kevin here to not only teach, but encourage the pastors here at Iglesia Galilea, be a part of the pastor’s conference, and encourage us working away on the new church! What a blessing. Tonight, we will wish him well as he will be off very early Wednesday morning to return to SLC. His encouragement will get us through the end of the week!

It is such a blessing to be constantly surrounded by such a great group of believers who share a common goal; to serve His kingdom (even if the plans change every few hours)!

Please pray for our continued safety, the people of Guatemala who are suffering from the volcano, and being ready to serve at a moments notice in whatever capacity.

Steve Sala


  1. Thank you so much for quick overview of all the team's activities We are so thrilled to hear of your servanthearts in doing what needs to be done and delivering such encouragement to pastors,leaders and strengthening the women MaybGod continue to watch over you all and comfort the broken-hearted and give you His joy

  2. Continuing to pray for y’all! Way to go Jen and Kenzie ...super exciting to hear about the mini woman’s retreat!

  3. Steve your awesome!! Thank you for the update!!

  4. Dear Team, your hard work is an encouragement. Thank you so much for your hearts to serve! What a blessing to be able to share at the both conferences, work on the church, and help with the relief efforts - while the volcano continues to erupt! God has you right where you're needed. Thanks for the pics and the update.
