Sunday, May 29, 2016

Day 11: The Power to Serve

DAY 11:
READ: Acts 1:1-12

Have you ever seen a really good movie or eaten at a new amazing restaurant? The moment the movie is over or you leave the restaurant, you are telling everyone how great your experience was. Anyone who will listen will probably get the same glowing recommendation from you because your excitement is too much to contain.

The disciples were a part of something amazing. This man they had followed for three years had taught them some amazing things about life, about God, and about how to serve. This man was killed but three days later was ALIVE! They saw miracles, heard his teachings, and were empowered and emboldened to speak about what they had seen and heard.

In Acts 1:8 we see that we will receive power when we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. If you are a believer then you have that power. The amazing part about that verse is what happens when we receive this power. We, like the disciples, have no choice but to be His witnesses, at home, while we are away, and in the entire world. This is better than any movie or restaurant. This is Jesus!

CHALLENGE: Share Christ with someone on your Pray & Watch list today. Spend time preparing your heart for sharing in Guatemala!

1 comment:

  1. Such a good reminder. Jesus is worth it all!
