Monday, May 23, 2016

Day 5: Empowered and Commissioned to Serve

Day 5:

READ: Matthew 28:16-20

We all know this verse as the Great Commission. Jesus makes a few things very clear. First, all authority in heaven and earth has been given to Him. The Bible Readers Companion puts it this way:
Authority of Jesus (28:18). When Jesus claimed “all authority in heaven and on earth,” He meant that there is no one or thing with power to limit His freedom of action (cf. Matthew 8). It is significant that this affirmation is linked with the command that we “go” and make disciples of all nations.

How often Christians hesitate to witness to others. How much we need to remember that nothing—no hardness of others, no ridicule, no hostility of government or ruling power— can limit the power of the Gospel or prevail against those who obey Christ’s command1

Another significant part of this passage comes in verse 20. We are to teach others to observe everything that Jesus has commanded us. This means that we need to spend time in the Word so that we know what Jesus has commanded us! When we have fears, struggles, or adversity come our way we have an assurance that Jesus will be with us. We are empowered and commissioned to serve!

CHALLENGE: Spend time thanking God today for the Gospel. Pray that God will help you proclaim the gospel boldly both at home and while we are on this trip.
Richards, L. O. (1991). The Bible readers companion (electronic ed.) (629). Wheaton: Victor Books.

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