Sunday, June 4, 2017

Another travel day...Welcome to San Lucas!

This post by Matt Hilbelink
It would be easy to complain and tell all the negative things about the first few days of our mission trip, but everything is in God’s timing everything works out for His good.   I actually thought it was quite the adventure.  We were in the Dallas airport well over 13 hours, which seems like it would be the worst possible experience ever, however it was amazing to see how patient and willing everyone was to do whatever needed to be done. 
Once we found out that we were not leaving Dallas, Sean’s mom offered us to stay at her house.  Let’s just say we were spoiled.  A pool, Jacuzzi, and amazing food were at our disposal.  God works in funny ways and as much as we wanted to go to Guatemala, God had a reason for us staying in Dallas a couple nights.  We went to the Village Church on Saturday evening and heard an amazing sermon about marriage. 
Today, Sunday, we were able to go on the plane and get to Guatemala, but our luggage was not here.  Which again could have been a bad reaction from all of us, but everyone handled it in stride.  As I write this a few people are on the way to pick up our luggage that was arriving on a later flight. 
I am very excited to be able to help Iglesia Galilea as we build up the foundation of their new church.  Which amazingly is right across the street from where we are staying.  We are also doing two days of VBS.  We will also be holding a Q and A session about Mormonism.  Again, there might be a reason we had a mini vacation before we work our butts off for the next 5 days.
Please pray for God to sustain us, keep us safe, and for us to be a light to this community and not a hindrance. 

This post by Jen Brown

So we finally made it to Guatemala, no big deal that it is 2 days later than expected!  The moment I got off the plane I seen people with smiling faces.  This is mine and a few others first time out of the country.  God had continued to show up in mighty ways so far…we were expecting nothing less then when we went to get our bags. 
Well, they weren’t there but we still believed God could work this out for His glory.  This adventure in the same outfit for 3 days wasn’t stopping us from seeing the miracles that were being done in San Lucas.  While we were waiting for the miracle of our bags arriving we took a tour of the property we are going to be building the church on starting tomorrow. 
Meeting Tono, hearing his story, meeting his beautiful family, and seeing his excitement for this project was so encouraging. God’s vision coupled with this churches obedience to step out in faith and receive this big beautiful fertile land to build God’s church on for half the price of the value! Amazing how this whole project is coming about.
We are being well taken care of by two wonderful ladies, Maria Jose and Mirna.  Their cooking is fantastic! They are beautiful and faithful in everyway!  What a joy it has been getting to know them both and enjoy their talents in the kitchen.
Before the baggage claim office closed at 7:00, a group left for the airport praying that our bags were going to arrive on the last flight into Guatemala (we really needed our work boots and materials to start work tomorrow…plus we really needed clean underwear!).  A long and amazing story later, our bags were there….well, all but 4!  But I’m sure they will show up tomorrow at 11:00am on the next flight! 
This day is just the beginning of an amazing opportunity to be God’s hand and feet here in San Lucas! Please pray for our remaining bags to arrive and that we will all be safe on the job site this week. 


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