Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Dirt, dirt, and more dirt.

This has been another amazing experience in Guatemala for me. The women’s conference that Kenzie and I lead yesterday was the most rewarding work for God’s kingdom I’ve had the blessed opportunity to be apart of. The emotional stability program SAFE that I taught was received so well that I will be coming back again to lead trainings for the churches here in Guatemala. I might have made the mistake in telling them that I will come back speaking Spanish…I have my work cut out for me. I think I might have the whole team talked into learning it with me!
Today in Guatemala we had beautiful working weather! We did so much work on the church and our efforts seemed to be multiplied by everyone working to their fullest. We got started at 8:00 am moving 300 bricks from one side of the church to the future stage. After we moved the bricks we were quickly called over to the church to load two trucks full of donated food and supplies to be taken to our sister church in Zapote for people that have been displaced by Volcano Fuego. We were finally able to help out even if it was in a small way. Jared and Matt traveled with Tono to deliver the supplies and to see the devastation first hand.
The rest of us came back to the job site and got right back to work. This team is such a joy to work with. We moved MORE and MORE dirt…digging that jacuzzi! Not really a jacuzzi but moving dirt to level out the ground floor of the huge church we are building. Surprisingly, I have come to learn that I enjoy being high up on scaffolding laying bricks. Praise God that I am having this opportunity to work here with Troy…who wasn’t very happy about me being up high on the scaffolding. We all worked a long fulfilling day today and after a good nights rest we will be ready to go back at it again tomorrow. Maria Jose’s food is still the most amazing food I have ever eaten!


  1. Thanks again for insights into your busy day Glad the SAFE talks went so well
    Getting the donations to those suffering in Zapote is encouraging to hear
    The construction work all accomplished is great as well
    May God continue to grant you all strength as you work
    To advance His kingdom through speeches,supplies and spiritual support
    In the love of Christ Jesus

  2. My best friend!! Thanks for the post, glad you're enjoying the food, and I will learn Spanish with you, too!!

  3. Way to go guys!! Continuing to pray!!
