We have come to the end of a great week! This team has done so much ministry and work this week, it is truly incredible! Thanks to God who has empowered
us for ministry, given us strength for working long, hard days, and who has helped us press through team sickness.
This morning I led our breakfast devotion out of Psalm 67. The Psalm
opens with a blessing on the people of God, "May God be gracious to us
and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, Selah." This Psalm asks
God to bless his people. And this week we have
been blessed. We have been blessed by many of you that have sent and
provided for this team. We have been blessed with great weather and good
food. We have been blessed through fellowship with many dear believers
here in Guatemala. We have been blessed as
we have learned to operate in God's strength. But this Psalm goes on in
verse to give us the reason why the Psalmist is asking God to bless his
people and it is this, "that your way may be known on earth your saving
power among all nations. Let the peoples
praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you!" And then the Psalm
goes on to ask that all the nations praise the Lord." We have had a good
trip, God has blessed us, but the trip is not about us. It is about
spreading His renowned in the nations. This
team has truly proclaimed the goodness of our God to the nations, let
the nations praise the Lord!
Today we had a great day resting and celebrating all that we have done
and experienced here in Guatemala. We had the opportunity to explore
some Mayan ruins and spent some more time in Antigua.
Though the team is leaving tomorrow morning early, Sean and I will stay
on for another day. We will get to take part in the celebration of
Merari's return to Guatemala and to serve as the Lead Pastor at Iglesia
Galilea. Tomorrow will be a great day of celebrating
the Lord's faithfulness in the face of much adversity. We are honored
to be a part. Pray for the team's return as well as Sean and I.
It has been a great week. Our work is not done here and I look forward
to many more days here in the future partnering with Iglesia Galilea for
the Kingdom. Maybe God is calling you to come with us in the future.
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ - Philippians 1:6
At the close of the trip it is a great thing to look back and marvel at all God has done. Every year I think it wouldn’t be possible for us to do more. We are leaving exhausted as we do every year. I’ve been grateful for this team and their positive attitudes. They’ve had plenty of opportunity to be discouraged and let that affect them. Instead, this group has lifted up, helped, prayed for, and served one another. Risen Life, you should be proud of your team. I know I am.
While our work week is finished, the church building is not complete. There will be more teams and more opportunities to serve here. We’ve begun a good work here. One day I pray we will be attending church services in the new building in San Lucas.
God is doing the same in all of us. We are not complete. We are constantly being shaped and formed to become more like Jesus. I know I’m not even close. Not until the day He calls me home. Until then, I’m grateful for every moment to serve, trust, and lift up the name of Jesus.
Home. I’m excited to return home to my family and in the same breath I know I am leaving family behind to do the work of the Kingdom here where they are called. I’m not saying good-bye. I’m saying until next time. These are special people who have made Guatemala a second home.
Until next time Guatemala.
At the close of the trip it is a great thing to look back and marvel at all God has done. Every year I think it wouldn’t be possible for us to do more. We are leaving exhausted as we do every year. I’ve been grateful for this team and their positive attitudes. They’ve had plenty of opportunity to be discouraged and let that affect them. Instead, this group has lifted up, helped, prayed for, and served one another. Risen Life, you should be proud of your team. I know I am.
While our work week is finished, the church building is not complete. There will be more teams and more opportunities to serve here. We’ve begun a good work here. One day I pray we will be attending church services in the new building in San Lucas.
God is doing the same in all of us. We are not complete. We are constantly being shaped and formed to become more like Jesus. I know I’m not even close. Not until the day He calls me home. Until then, I’m grateful for every moment to serve, trust, and lift up the name of Jesus.
Home. I’m excited to return home to my family and in the same breath I know I am leaving family behind to do the work of the Kingdom here where they are called. I’m not saying good-bye. I’m saying until next time. These are special people who have made Guatemala a second home.
Until next time Guatemala.
Praying for you two as you spend a couple more days. Thanks for leading this team and your hearts for the kingdom.